Tuesday, August 27, 2013

We the People

Tonight I had an epiphany. I realized some of the reasons why I'm so proud to be an American, and why, as a Patriot, our damned Government offends me so much.

 I have spent time living in another country, one that did not enjoy all of our freedoms for they were in fact fearful of their government. While there I came to love both that country and ours, rejoicing in the fact that I didn't fear our officials.

How much things can change in only a few years, and yet, my head was in the sand because, throughout my education and experience I have been solidly indoctrinated by the liberal agenda which largely sought to inform me, as an American, of my inherent lack of value in the face of the world, and in fact, of my inherent evil intent simply for having been born.

Not only have I come out on the other side, having realized the outright attempt to destroy me as both a real American and an intelligent, critically-thinking human being, but I have realized that the psy-ops inflicted upon me has utterly failed on their part. Guess I'm a survivor in spite of our traitorous government.

Let me give a few examples, therefore, as to why I am proud to be an American and will never make any apologies for being so:

* the United States of America came into being because We The People rose up to glory, armed and unafraid, standing up to Tyranny on the grounds of religious freedom and no taxation without representation, among other important issues. How many young and old men went to their deaths, bearing arms against a sea of British oppressors who sought to subjugate us? Hell, we'd all have very different accents today if we'd just laid down and handed over our arms. We also would never have had the Wild West for the Crown would not have tolerated such uncouth conquest of the great plains and deserts.

* The United States of America might have had some problems, like, say, keeping other human beings as slaves, but we fought hard and ENDED that bullshit under no uncertain terms. Lots of other countries today cannot claim that, and yet...few people are aware of that fact. Yes, slavery still exists, and I'm not talking about prostitution here. I'm talking bad ol' fashioned pre-American Civil War keeping human slaves for labor and menial tasks. Yeah. Look it up. We ended that shit on our shores, but it still goes on today in other countries, without question or media coverage.

* We, as Americans, are often touted by our OWN Main Stream Media (MSM) as being "abrasive" overseas, we're informed that we are "rude", that we are "unrefined" and we are informed that "other countries hate us."  Well, that may be true on some level, however, I have it on good authority that, in fact, the service workers in Europe and the Dominican Republic as well as other places, our territories or not, LOVE us. Why? Because we GIVE TIPS! We, as Americans, have a reputation among restaurant and hotel staff everywhere that we give tips, we say "please" and "thank you" and we treat them with respect because most of us have actually worked in those or related fields and don't have a "caste" system here.  Our very way of living has taught the vast majority of us to respect ALL workers, and as such, we are generally well respected and so we are actively sought out as customers in places such as Oktoberfest in Germany and...well...anywhere. Don't believe the hype that we're awful. Many throughout the world like Americans because we don't look down on anyone.

Corollary to the above:  the Americans who look down on people are dismissed and vilified by the average American because we all hate asshats like that since we've all been bullied by their like and don't want to see anyone, our citizenry or another, subjected to the same. 

* People throughout the world differentiate American citizens from our Government representatives, whom they hate because, well...Obama is an ass who funds terrorists and kills innocent people We the People would rather tuck under our wings, protect, and offer hotdishes and casseroles to while they recover from the genocide our government is subjecting them to while trying to disarm We the People.

* We the People of the United States of America have the very unique ability to convert the most beautiful foreign language words into the most graphically distorted and disturbing names possible. And then we flock to those places because they are usually quite historical and fascinating sites. This also creates jobs through tourism revenue which further fuels our economy. Examples: Bloody Basin, Gnaw Bone, Hell, Black Gulch....the list goes on....

* We the People of  the United States of America believe in the natural human right and enjoy the Constitutional ratification of that Natural Right to keep and bear arms for the defense of our nation against the tyranny of the government...ANY government. Including our own...for the defense of the People and our Constitution.

* We the People of the United States of America might be rude and uncouth to the liberals of any country, but we're respected because we are honest, we don't play games, we know our loyalties, we're not here to impress anyone, we know what hard work is about, and if you need help, we're here for you on a deeply personal level. And you know that, which is why so many of you from other shores flee to ours, seeking refuge. (Although we who know our government and most recent history suggest you find other shores for now, because things are about to get hot up in here in the next few years and we want you to be safe because right now...this is not a safe country.)

* We the People of the United States disown our own government for being fascist and tyrannical and know that this statement, while allegedly protected by the 1st Amendment, may get us arrested and imprisoned anyway, still make it because it goes back to our very roots as a country and we will NOT be subject to that kind of tyranny that first drove us to Revolution and Civil War ever again, come what may.

* We the People of the United States of America know what the red stripes on our flag stand for, and if we are TRULY American people we are willing to lay down our own sacrifice in order to keep this people free.

* We the People of the United States of America know what religion is about and how hard we all have fought for the right to worship God according to our own respective beliefs, and we will NOT have the current Tyrannical Government interfering with our own internal regulations and beliefs, and we will certainly NOT kowtow to "Mandates" that punish the poverty-stricken and force good people to act against their own well formed consciences to commit atrocious acts against humanity, most especially the unborn and the elderly.

Yes, I am PROUD AS HELL to be an American and if you have a problem with that, you know exactly where you can go, you sniveling, libtard anti-American government and media puss-heads, you vomitous masses, you warthog faced buffoons! I fart in your general direction and as you writhe in death-throes against the honesty of everything I have written here, I will insult you again with a bad French accent just to tick you off even more for being so "uncultured".

I would rather be "uncultured" than "uncourageous".

May I give my life for God and for America, in that order. Amen.


Truly, if you're not willing to give your blood for this country then you are not worthy of claiming citizenship here. 

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